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What does ASP mean to you?

What does ASP mean to you?

We all have those moments in our lives where we ask ourselves, "what did I do with this time before [blank]?" Appalachia Service Project (ASP) is my blank! My first year going on ASP was one of those times that I now look back and say, "I am different because of that trip." I look at people different. I look at the meaning of shelter different. My cost of living has changed, as well as my habits. My life has drastically changed because of 7 days 2 years ago.

Some people are gung-ho to make a difference in someone else’s life, but the real question is, are we ready to have someone else make a difference in our life? ASP is all about being open to new experiences and letting God just take over completely.

Are you up for the challenge?

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